江 西 红 尧 塑 业 有 限 公 司
JiangXi Hongyao plastic industry LTD
Company Profile
We are a company to provide a better way to keep clean. Used good material, exquisite technology to produce it. Provide a way that economical benefits, easy for use to keep clean for your cars, home appliances, furniture, motorcycles, machines, image frame, artworks etc. It is effective to dustproof waterproof, prevent birds droppings, prevent lefts etc. It is a better choice that saving your time saving your effort saving your money
We are a company to provide a better way to keep clean. Used good material, exquisite technology to produce it. Provide a way that economical benefits, easy for use to keep clean for your cars, home appliances, furniture, motorcycles, machines, image frame, artworks etc. It is effective to dustproof waterproof, prevent birds droppings, prevent lefts etc. It is a better choice that saving your time saving your effort saving your money
联系方式 Contact us
电话 Mobile:086-15579968806 彭经理/Jason
086-13755510335 刘经理/Sandy
邮箱 Email:jasonchina@aliyun.com
地址 Address: 江西省萍乡湘东区市麻山镇